Short post, but for whatever reason, was driving along somewhere today, and something jogged my memory of the March of Dimes, or more specifically, the little folder we got at school (I think).
It wasn’t exactly like the one pictured, I think it held more dimes for one thing, but also I seem to remember it being blue. I really just remember trying and sometimes succeeding in getting dimes insert into the little slits.
I believe the charity used the dimes for Polio research, or similar to that. Anyone else have memories and pictures of that?
Raised in outport Newfoundland in a town of 65 people, I pursued a post secondary diploma in Information Technology right out of High School.
I’ve always been a geek at heart, but yet I love the rural life I grew up with. Fishing, hunting, camping and the great outdoors are still loves of mine, even if I don’t pursue them as often as I once did. Sports were always a big part of our lives, and I played many (badly) and loved them all.
LOL brings back memories